Wednesday 25 February 2009

Escape # 2 - Dramaqueen at the hospital

The first time I went to the St. Mary's Hospital in London for a Thyroid scan, I was asked if I wanted to go ahead and have a biopsy.
The lady doctor explained that it would mean to stick a needle on my throat and stop breathing and swallowing until she finished.
I didn't feel very well as I was coming from a Glucose test with various blood tests at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. I explained this to the doctor who told me she would write to my doctor and explain why she thought I needed to take the biopsy.
I didn't particularly like the attitude and communication skills of this doctor, but then again, how can you like somebody who want to stick a needle up your throat?
Anyways, I spoke to my GP and I told her how I was not enthused by this idea.
The GP said that it would have been very important to take the biopsy.
I told my husband how scared I was. I called my father in Sardinia, Italy.
He told me:" If you have to do it, just close your eyes for five minutes and get it done. If you don't do it now, you will have to do it later".
So I started to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to develop the courage necessary to get on with it.
I got ready and went to charge my oyster card.
I went to the hospital which is a weird building with a funny smell. I liked the decorative painting with fishes and see life...
Then I was called in.
I started my breathing technique.
"Hello again" said the lady doctor...or is she just a technician? mah... I will never know.
Doctor -"So are you happy to have the biopsy?"
Marybel-"Well, happy is not exactly how I feel...The GP told me it is necessary..."
Doctor -" OK so I will insert the needle in your throat. It is a fine needle, finer than the one used for a blood test. I will enter through the skin into the thyroid gland. from the trachea...I will move the needle in a circular motion in order to get some samples. On the 10% of cases the test doe not have any result...bla bla bla every it OK?
Marybel-"if you don't stop talking about it I am going to faint!"
Doctor -"So you don't want to do it?"
Doctor -"Wait, get dressed...
Nurse -"Are you ok ms?"
Marybel-"FXXX Hell!!!
I left banging all doors thinking this doc was an idiot...why didn't just get on with the fxxx disgusting sxxx and that's it?
I left feeling very depressed and outraged...

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