Sunday 26 April 2009

A film idea

Good morning all,
as it happens on a Sunday morning I woke up with a film idea!
{No, I will not tell my husband as every time I come up with a new idea he drops, putting his head between his legs, holding it with his hands...'Why?!? Why do you have all this different ideas everyday...why can't you just sit and watch TV like everyone else?'
Well...because I am a genius! That's why! Ha ha...My lovely husband, M. R. E. I. A. ...yes, his name is quite a gentleman by birth but very modest in this lifetime. He doesn't like planning too far into the future and is a very down to earth kind of guy, that is why I have selected him to be my partner in life Or...'Kosen Rufu Partner' as we say in the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.
This means a partner which will support me into achieving peace in the world.
Anyhow, I, as a multimedia Artist 'a tutto tondo' as we say in Italy, a 'all round' imagination is vivid and my ideas grow like mushrooms in September...
only every single day.}
So yesterday I met my long time friend opera singer M. She is also Italian living in the UK for a while. She is also a member of the 'Glorious Life Chorus' like myself. She is also singing in the Soprano section.
She is interested in creating an art group and in sharing her love for music with others whit in the community and we started to talk about BLEND!, my multimedia community project.
Then I told her: -' My all time hero is Mater Teresa of Calcutta' and my idea of being an artist is to put arts at the service of others to bring happiness and joy...and she told me: -'Me too..'
So we have decided to collaborate and we will meet next Monday again to chant, go to the gym, sing and plan art projects...
I want to do one about Hypothyroidism...and a book and a movie and a SPA welcoming people suffering from Hypothyroidism to give them hope.
The hope many doctors took away from me...saying my Thyroid is fine, the values are correct and I cannot expect to lose weight...bla bla bladibla!
Last week I saw a specialist endocrinologist Dr. S. J. H. which I call 'Dr. Urine' (because the only propositive action he took was to give me two 2.5 lt. tanks to fill up with piss in 24 hour for a new test!). This man, is considered to be one of the best endocrinology experts offering consultations in two major London Hospitals. I met him at UCH. He also operates in a private clinic. I did not have a great opinion of this character. First of all how can you trust a doctor who doesn't even look at you in the eyes, let alone visit you?
He told me that everything was normal and my values look perfect. I don't suffer from thyroid disease. I then asked him:' So why I don't feel any better?'
He told me, calling me 'darling', that I couldn't expect to feel better and lose weight...then he went on to explain that he just assumed I had always been fat and coming from a family of obese parents. Imagine that!
Am I the only person to wonder how some people became doctors and on what basis they are given so much credit and responsibility?
I then asked him:'Are you saying that there is no cure for this condition?'
My simptoms are still there:
- nails breaking;
- weight gain;
- fatigue;
-poor slip;
-memory loss;
-intollerance to cols;
-puffy face;
- painful irregular periods...
but I also Have some of what Dr. Peatfield decribes as Symptoms of Low Adrenal Reserve:
-Dark Rings Under Eyes;
-Loss of Body hair;
-Poor Exercise Tollerance;
-Back & Loin Pain;
and some others are the same, like cold and fatigue...
if Dr. Peatfield has been stopped working for 18 months by can read all this story from:

then this is a fantastic story for a movie!!!
My friend S. already told me she agrees.
She is my Fb Angel, remember? The nutritionist which from time to time supports me, encourages me and gives me advice... Here part of our concersation this morning- talking of another doctor who called me two days ago:
M:- 'I explained to him that I know what is like to be well
and it is completely different
well I am very much overweight
exactly double my normal size
I lost 4 Kgs in 1 year of diet, exercise and medications...I am on Reductil from 2 months too
I am always tired
I sleep a lot
cannot go out twice on the same day'.
S:-'how many hours do u sleep a day?'
M:-' I don't have the energy
it feels like no power
sometimes 12
and I am always so cold
that often my skin hurts'
S:-'obviously your meds are not working for u'
M:-'that's what I think too'
S:-'hows your memory?'
M:-'and also I became more sensitive to noyse
who are you?
sorry, couldn't resist!'
would u ever self medicate?'
M:-'Yes, under guidance'
S:-'according to sttm site...'
M:-'I would like to make a movie about this awful situation
yesterday I met a friend who is an opera singer
and had similar problems...'
M:'-i know someone who followed the notes on sttm and came off thyroxine and went on armour now feels fantastic'
S:-'and we were talking about opening a spa dedicated to people suffering from this
really?...I saw a guy on youtube'
S:-'totally ric?'
M:-'I was hoping to do something like this under Dr. P's advice
do you think he will recommend this?'
he does not rate thyroxine
making a movie about thyroid is a fab idea...thyroid needs more airtime'

he does not rate thyroxine

making a movie about thyroid is a fab idea

thyroid needs more airtime

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