Thursday 2 April 2009

Iodine & Hypothiroidism

I recently mentioned a new friend but did not have much time to talk about it. As it often happens S. T. looks like an angel. Firstly she asked me if I was taking thyroxine or armour. I told her the truth: I have been taking Levothyroxine since last April, I am now on 75 mcg but without massive results. I also directed her to this blog and she became my friend instantly by writing:- 'Great blog..:)..' haha.
She wrote me that 'the hypo thing is so very's a lot about sorting the adrenals first before even going on meds..but lots of docs just put peeps on thyroxine straight away..
do you take digestive enzymes with your meals?..they should help with absorption issues which in turn helps the thyroid.
Sure,I make and drink kefir. Ti is also called kefīrs, keefir, kephir, kewra, talai, mudu kekiya, milkkefir, búlgaros...according to the culture.
It is a fermented drink that can be prepared at home by inoculating milk with kefir grains. I have tried various milk, including soy milk. The best result so far was with UTH long life milk semi-skimmed. At present I am using completely skimmed milk to decrease fat and help with weight-loss...
You can find a lot of information on this on the following websites:
' Hypo can be such a silent deceptive disease it's important to have support.'
My angel also gave me the following contacts which I pass on to you all, in case they might be useful to you too:

-info on products
-info on 'thyroid chat centre'
wakame seaweed
new ideas :
dr brownstein on iodine
So I am now doing more research...on iodine as well.

It is only 7:21 in the morning and today I will try and go to the gym before anything else...I find that if I leave it too late in the end I don't go...and I am starting to meet my husband's disappointment about paying an expensive gym membership without using it...!!!

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